Monday, March 12, 2007

What is a Good First Programming Language?

While Googling, I came across the web article What is a Good First Programming Language, by Diwaker Gupta. In short, it depends on the audience. For first-graders, qBasic is probably a good choice, while for college freshmen, C is probably the best choice for a first programming language.

My first language was Apple II Basic, followed by 6502 micro-assembler, in college, late 1970s (actually, I learned Fortran first, on a mainframe PDP computer, with punch cards input and teletype printout; the programs were written ('developed') by hand with pen and paper, and transfered along with the data onto punch cards, which where read by a punch card reader; next, you needed to wait a few hours for your program to be executed and the results printed on a line printer, collected by an assistant, who put it in your print bin). Later on, I bought a Commodore 64, learned Basic, micro-assembler, hexcoding, macro-assembler, and Pascal. I did some C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python and Lua, and now I'm learning Scheme. So I can claim that Scheme is certainly not my first language (and probably not my last as well).

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