Friday, March 2, 2007

How to read technical texts

Perhaps I should reveal a recipe how to read technical texts more efficiently. It is really simple:

  1. read the text through and try to keep track of the global ideas; stop if you lose track of the material, and restart from the point you started, using method 2
  2. read the text more carefully, and do all the exercise and examples; stop if you lose track and get stuck in solving the exercise or doing the examples, and restart from the point you started, using method 3
  3. read the text for a third time, do all the exercise and examples, and add some of yourself; stop if you get stuck

Every time you get stuck, start over again from the point you started the last time, up to the point you got stuk. During the rereading of this part of the text, use a higher order method (1, 2, 3). So you could be reading little pieces of text, each time in another reading mode (1, 2, 3). Once you get past the point you got stuck in the text in the latest iteration, switch back to a lower order reading method.

If you get stuck in step 3, you need to find alternative information sources to supplement your reading. Try to find those sources through Google, by using the items you didn't understand as search terms. It simply means you lack information you need to understand the text. Once you have grasped the new concepts, reread the difficult parts of the technical text, using method 3.

You should have read the complete text at least three times, using methods 1, 2, and 3. Here is a diagram of the reading methods

1) global reading without doing exercises and examples
2) detailed reading doing all exercises and examples
3) reading doing all exercises and examples with some examples of your own

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